TeraCopy for Microsoft WindowsOne of the most common complaints about newer versions of Windows is the slow copying speed, especially when transferring lots of files over the network. If you want to speed up your copying or...
The Windows 8.1 includes a host of enhancements and new features, It is a second crack at the OS, which was widely disparaged by reviewers and customers when it debuted last year.
MS has also added some new apps, like a sound recorder...
Description: Wasteland 2 is a turn-based RPG set in a post-apocalytpique universe. You take control of a squad consisting of 4 rangers, so police Arizona, responsible for maintaining a semblance of peace and balance in land devastated...
Designed for simplicity, DriverScanner scans your computer to determine the list of drivers that need to be updated. Then a single click for DriverScanner search and downloads the latest updates and installs them safely on your...
IObit Driver Booster PRO v2.0.2.220 Full Serial Key
Driver Booster 2 PROUPDATE obsoletes the Drivers Safely and Quickly
More Support Materials and Improve PC Performance
DriverPack Solution 14.12 R421
DriverPack Solution merupakan program all in one yang didalamnya terdapat berbagai macam driver yang anda butuhkan dan dapat anda gunakan pada PC/laptop anda dengan dukungan semua jenis windows....
Windows XP - Service Pack 3 / Vista / 7Processeur Intel Core 2 Duo à 1.8 GHz ou AMD Athlon x2 64 à 2.4 GHz 1.5Go de RAMCarte vidéo 256 Mo Nvidia 7900 ou ATi X1900 16Go d'espace libre sur le...
VLC media player
VLC media player
VLC est un lecteur multimédia gratuit et libre et un
système capable de lire la plupart des fichiers multimédias ainsi que
des DVD, des CD Audio, des VCD, et divers protocoles de di...
Do you need just to create or mount image file of popular format? DAEMON Tools Lite is exactly what you need. Free for home and non-commercial use, this software solution will provide you with the basic functions for operating with...
Adobe Premiere Pro CC
Adobe Premiere:
Pro is a powerful and professional video editing program
created by Adobe. It lets you edit your videos the way you want it. With
Premiere Pro, you also install another program...